Wednesday, April 30, 2008

bird conservation news

Recent bird conservation news from BirdLife International can be found here.


If you've never looked at them, you may find the species accounts for Priority Species that are part of the WBCI All-Bird Plan to be of great interest. Find them at this link.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

WorldWatch Institute; NRF's Bird Protection Fund

A fine source of environmental information is at the website of the WorldWatch Institute - go to this link. Important informattion linked there now concerns population, Madagascar's wildlife, sutainability, and an array of other topics.


Learn about exciting developments in the Natural Resources Foundation's new Bird Protection Fund at NRF's website, here.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and grassland birds, and more

The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) has been very effective in regard to helping grassland bird species. Read more about it here.


See some information about general or specific conservation issues and programs and the Mississippi River valley at the following links:

Saturday, April 12, 2008

more recent bird conservation info (Am. Bird Conservancy)

New ways to help the Cerulean Warbler via "conservation coffee", at the Am. Bird Conservancy site, here.

See a wonderful video about an endangered hummingbird, also at the ABC site, here.

Friday, April 11, 2008

birds and pesticides; links to other topics

The American Bird Conservancy pesticides webpage explains how birds are affected by pesticide use in North America, which kills an estimated 67 million birds in the U.S. each year. Read more about this important conservation issue here.

Additional information can be found here, and here.


Information about how climate change may affect birds in Wisconsin can be found at this link. For links to similar information regarding effects on birds in other areas of the U.S., go to this link instead.


Saturday, April 5, 2008

bird conservation news

A spring news roundup from BirdLife International is available here.

News and links from the Bird Conservation Network (n. IL, s. WI, nw IN area) can be found here.

News from the American Bird Conservancy can be found here, including video about a new court decision on collisions and towers. (If you can't access the video here, try other linked versions here.)

More news from ABC, this time about the "prairie pothole" region and conservation issues there, can be found here.